Friday 30 March 2007

Bike Riding

My son was riding his bike before he started, but hated it and avoids riding it. He wobbles alot and if his concentration is taken away he falls. Last summer he came back with a gash- head,body and legs and didn't get it out on it for the rest of the summer. In the initail assess. he did not register on the vestibular scale at all, not a blip!! So we have an explanation for the wobbles and screeches. I see bike riding as mostly vestibular and visual balance, as the feet are pedalling the somatosensory cannot be relied on fully(this was Matthew's strongest balance sense). At his 2nd assess, he had a reading for vestibular but his somatosensory reading has lowered slightly (as the other sense take more control) we were told this was normal, and it makes sense to me.Do people with stronger vestibular readings find their bike riding wobbly? You probably need all 3 senses to be spot on to ride normaly.

He now rides with confidence, off the kerb- plop and round and around!

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