Wednesday 9 April 2008

Slight regression

Matthew seems to be going through a slight regression in that he hasn't been hearing things correctly again, it fills me with fear when I am repeating words to him, his Dad has noticed too, but I know it will get better. Conversley he went back to school and told me that he had had a brilliant day with his work and his reading was more fluent last night. So perhaps we are moving forward again- I'll keep you informed :)
His tutor has decided to concentrate more on his written work, although he doing maths and Welsh alternative weeks(more to give him an extra feel good/confidence factor in his maths) on his maths week she is slipping in 20 mins of written and all the homework is going to be written.
Gawd he needs it, it is coming across as lazy e.g. she asks him to write about his day and he doesn't use full sentences, more of a list e'g. I got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, made bed etc. I know it's just him getting around the fact that he hates writing, avoidance tactics basically.


Unknown said...

Its interesting that Matthew's hearing has improved through Dore. It is something I noticed in my treatment but I wasn't sure if it was a real effect or if I was just imagining the improvement.

I suspect that its not hearing (the ability to hear particular frequencies) that improves but the brain's ability to convert the noise into words. As the cerebellum is part of that process it is not surprising that it improves with Dore.

I do notice that when I'm tired or have a head cold my ability to differentiate sounds goes downhill.

Math's Mam said...

Absolutely Chris, although the overall effect is an improvement in "hearing", it's the processing of sound that has improved.

Anonymous said...

my son very similar always said 'pardon' drove us mad. had his hearing check found to be perfect so think buying time to process information. Thankfully that has now gone. My son on dore 14 months has gone a bit back although all in greens, I didnt think you could regress at this stage will contact dore to find out

Math's Mam said...

This phase of misshearing again seems to be over- thank goodness, although he hates any background noise while working. He commented last week when my husband was washiing up when he doing some homework that he manages to cope with the distracting noises in school but would like peace at home!! Let me know what Dore says, he has ahd a few short lived episodes throughout where he seems "spacy" for a couple of weeks and then ddevelops from there.