Friday 15 December 2006

Our First Dore Assessment

We had our first assessment today 8am. We arrived early and met the manager there. We did the posturography test first.

Posturography Test
1 + 2.) The first 2 were standing still 1 with eyes open, then with eyes shut. The platform under foot was not moving.
4 + 5.) Test 4 was eyes open, platform moving, and the final one was eyes shut, platform moving, thats the one with no score.

The sensory analysis results are calculated values for the 3 balance senses and a composite value, as each test on posturograph is a mixture of the 2/3 balance senses.

Oculomotor Test
This was done in a dark room, electrode pads were placed on Matthew's forehead, and he was linked to the computer. A red light them moved smoothly, and also jumped around. Matthew had to follow them best he could.
Smooth Persuit (Eye Tracking) - Significant Difficulty was found
Saccades (Random Eye Movements) - Outside normal limits

Dyslexia Screening Test
Following these tests a Dyslexia Screening Test was undertaken. I was not present for this, Matthew was also asked at this point what he would like to improve.
Matthew's raw score for the Dyslexia Screening test was 2.89 on a scale of 0-3.0.

0-1, no/low risk

1-2, moderate risk

2-3, significant risk

On the report it just stated that Matthew had a risk factor of >1.0 and was at significant risk (age adjusted score).
The things that Matthew wanted to improve were

  1. Copying off the whiteboard

  2. Listening skills

  3. Writing

After this we saw the Doctor who tests for primitive reflexes and talks you through the test results. She then recommended that should have the therapy as they could help Matthew because he had very definite signs of Cerebellar Development Disorder. (I agree)

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